Monday 22 September 2008

More lambs arrive!

First steps
I was lucky enough to actually watch two lambs being born last night! Which brings the total count to 4 so far... I won't share the photos with you... all I can say is, it was beautiful, yet gooey!

More photos of the lambs so far...


Jennifer said...

They are just the cutest little things! And wagging his tail on the video.... Wonder if they would fit in the garden and get on with sam..... and if fed-ex allow the posting of lambs....

yr 11 media student said...

Missssss please come back and teach us again :( Miss.M doesn't really teach as such she never explains things properly and if you ask her she cant explain in simple terms even then ahh
hardly any of us have a good coursework folder because she hasn't told us what we need to include even Tom is finding it harder than it used to be because of the way she teaches :( SOS :( come back we miss you =[

The Unnamed yr 11 Media Student..

K said...

Don't forget you have the initial sheet I gave you with an "index" type thing on, of all the content which needs to go into your folder. Like we did with the last c/w pieces, go through your folder and look at which major bits are missing. If you have pieces that aren't there, there is a possibility they are in the cumulative folder I kept, which your teacher will have along with the other bits of your c/w.

You can also ask to have a look at previous years coursework folders as a comparison. Don't forget you also get a week's resubmission - obviously you want as much done by then as possible, but it does give you a chance to fill in any gaps.

If you look in my links, there is a website called Allison Media which will have some useful material in. Don't be frightened of looking on websites like that too, other students use them.

Give your new teacher a chance, she's very knowledgable - in a month or so, once you're used to each other things will settle.

Sam =] said...


My mum isnt sure wat part of auzzie her cousin lives in :S

The lambs are sooo cute hee hee.

Steven wood says hi and hopes ur kk

sam s x

Unknown said...

I HATE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - AND HER CLOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!