Saturday 20 September 2008

Jerry (the farm cat) catches a rabbit

I came into our house the other day, after checking to see if any lambs had arrived on the farm, to discover Jerry miaowing loudly & looking very pleased with herself. I ignored it at first, but then realised something was wrong as she followed me, still making the same noise. As I turned, she scooted back to where she had been waiting and this time I noticed at her feet a small rabbit.

Now, I always wanted a rabbit as a kid and I do find them quite cute, but over here, they are a real problem (thanks to some Pommy kid no doubt bringing a couple over as a pet many years ago). Anyway, they bred...and bred... as rabbits do and ended up terrorising farms and crops all over Australia. So, understandably, they don't have a very good reputation.

Seeing Jerry with one, for that reason, didn't really worry me. I did think for a moment, "poor thing", but equally was I impressed with Jerry, as the rabbit wasn't too much smaller than Jerry herself! Fair "game" really...

Anyhow - I've talked enough / written enough, I want to share some photos of her afterwards with you, but I'm giving the chance for those who might be offended, to not have them glaring at you when you open the page! Thought it might also be best to explain why I wasn't so worried by the catch & why I took the photos - oh, and I should add, she ate every morsel! So, not a cat who toys with something, exhausts it, then leaves it! I'm quite pleased with how the photos turned out.... She was fascinating to watch as she "tucked in" (morbid as it might sound) and really animated at the same time - as hopefully you'll see by the photos!


K said...

It's nature! At least she ate it all!!! :)

Rabbits here are vermin... they're not cute little fluffy pets... they have piercing red eyes & fangs & massive claws, ready to rip at flesh...

Oh, no, sorry, maybe that was a nightmare I had as a child!!!

Unknown said...

You're mad! In a good way! Suppose me and becky don't really have the right to say that to anyone else!

K said...

No Eleanor... you don't!

Unknown said...

haha lol!