Sunday 14 September 2008

Cor, streuth, beaut what a ripper mate!

We've been here for a fortnight & I'm only just getting round to updating this! Must have something to do with the great weather - early to mid 20s, sun & blue skies... And this is late winter/early spring!\

I'll have to put loads of photos on here of our trip to the Sunshine Coast (& yes, the sun was shining the whole time!!!) We were looking for wedding venues & think we've found the perfect place, 30 mins from the beach, up in the rainforest!! Amazing stuff!

I've only got one photo on my usb key at the mo, so that's all I can upload, but it shows you what the view from our window on the farm is like at the moment - gorgeous... The vines have been pruned, ready for a new year of growth & hopefully lots of wine.

Hope you're all well - apologies for being lame / slow at writing on here, I'll do a proper update soon.

Lots of love to you all back home!

K xx

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