Saturday 27 September 2008

Rescue me!!

Hello my name is Angus!

7 Weeks old - Ben & I had to help out this little guy and take him home from the rescue centre.

Below is Tess - 4 month old Kelpie (Australian Cattle Dog), which Ben's parents also rescued.

Monday 22 September 2008

More lambs arrive!

First steps
I was lucky enough to actually watch two lambs being born last night! Which brings the total count to 4 so far... I won't share the photos with you... all I can say is, it was beautiful, yet gooey!

More photos of the lambs so far...

Saturday 20 September 2008

The first of the spring lambs have arrived!!!

Emily gave birth to twins this morning!!! They're so cute!!!

Jerry (the farm cat) catches a rabbit

I came into our house the other day, after checking to see if any lambs had arrived on the farm, to discover Jerry miaowing loudly & looking very pleased with herself. I ignored it at first, but then realised something was wrong as she followed me, still making the same noise. As I turned, she scooted back to where she had been waiting and this time I noticed at her feet a small rabbit.

Now, I always wanted a rabbit as a kid and I do find them quite cute, but over here, they are a real problem (thanks to some Pommy kid no doubt bringing a couple over as a pet many years ago). Anyway, they bred...and bred... as rabbits do and ended up terrorising farms and crops all over Australia. So, understandably, they don't have a very good reputation.

Seeing Jerry with one, for that reason, didn't really worry me. I did think for a moment, "poor thing", but equally was I impressed with Jerry, as the rabbit wasn't too much smaller than Jerry herself! Fair "game" really...

Anyhow - I've talked enough / written enough, I want to share some photos of her afterwards with you, but I'm giving the chance for those who might be offended, to not have them glaring at you when you open the page! Thought it might also be best to explain why I wasn't so worried by the catch & why I took the photos - oh, and I should add, she ate every morsel! So, not a cat who toys with something, exhausts it, then leaves it! I'm quite pleased with how the photos turned out.... She was fascinating to watch as she "tucked in" (morbid as it might sound) and really animated at the same time - as hopefully you'll see by the photos!

Tuesday 16 September 2008

Sunshine Coast

Beach at Mooloolaba

We had such a good time on the Sunny Coast, that we've decided that's where we want to relocate to! During the week we stayed with some friends of Ben's parents, near Caloundra, the dogs you see in the pictures below belong to them!

Ben was chuffed to get more than a nibble when fishing off Pumistone Passage, between Bribie Island and Bulcock Beach - with his first bait, he caught a Flathead, followed by a number of Bream (who fortunately got to live another day, as they were too little to take home!)

We think we've found the perfect location for our wedding... Not on the coast at all, as I first imagined, but up in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland, near Maleny & Montville - an area surrounded by beautiful rainforest, lakes & waterfalls! Paradise.

Anyway, enough chat... on with the photos!

Views around the farm

Monday 15 September 2008

Making steers of the calves!

The cattle at one of their better, more civilised moments!

One of my first experiences on the farm, was getting involved in making steers out of the young calves... the process was one which I won't forget in a hurry & took a lot of time, patience & man-power... ( I have to admit, I stood back & watched - taking the easy option!)

With a "lacky" band type contraption, the calves basically had their "crown jewels" encircled, in a painless (so I'm told) operation which sees them drop off several weeks later. I'm so glad I'm female...

Sunday 14 September 2008

Cor, streuth, beaut what a ripper mate!

We've been here for a fortnight & I'm only just getting round to updating this! Must have something to do with the great weather - early to mid 20s, sun & blue skies... And this is late winter/early spring!\

I'll have to put loads of photos on here of our trip to the Sunshine Coast (& yes, the sun was shining the whole time!!!) We were looking for wedding venues & think we've found the perfect place, 30 mins from the beach, up in the rainforest!! Amazing stuff!

I've only got one photo on my usb key at the mo, so that's all I can upload, but it shows you what the view from our window on the farm is like at the moment - gorgeous... The vines have been pruned, ready for a new year of growth & hopefully lots of wine.

Hope you're all well - apologies for being lame / slow at writing on here, I'll do a proper update soon.

Lots of love to you all back home!

K xx