Thursday 24 July 2008

34 days to go...


X_sophie_X_stephenson_X said...

hi miss,
i can't believe tuesday was our last tutor :(
i have added you on msn so ill talk to you on there

K said...

Hi Sophie!

I know... it didn't really feel right!

I'm glad we were so busy though, otherwise I'd have been really emotional!

Thanks again for my fab bag! I love it!!

charlotteee milessss said...

heyyy miss
not long untill you move i bet your really excited!:D
\hope the wedding goes well:D
have a lovely summer and thanks for being a great teahcer!:D
charlotte miles x

K said...

Hey Charlotte!


Thank you! I have so much to do still though, so I'm not so excited at the moment, more just wishing stuff was done!! Tomorrow the removal men are coming though, which will be good as most of my things will be taken by them & shipped off to Oz!

I will be excited after that I think!

Thanks for thinking I was a good teacher - I think that when you have really great classes, it's a lot easier to have fun, as you guys are generally willing to work - therefore we have more time for fun stuff! Like the history of Burke & Hare & scaring Charlotte R!!! Poor girl, I wonder if she'll ever forgive me!

Enjoy your summer too, whatever you end up doing!


tash said...
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tash said...

hi miss
thankyou so much for my amazing card you gave me. and thanx for being the best teacher imagenable. i hope you enjoyed your last day i know i did only because of the fab party you did for us. i have added you on msn so i hope to talk to you on there love tash xx

K said...

Party in the secret garden was good! So glad we could use it this time!

Good on Tom for bringing the drinks etc too! & for the weather being so good.

Hope the rest of the summer stays warm & fairly dry!
