Sunday 21 December 2008

Christmas is almost here!

So a month and a bit has passed & lots has happened since I last wrote...

I've finally been granted my visa - which I still have to get granted as "permanent" but at least it allows me to live & work freely here!

I had a fantastic time in New Zealand, with Marie (Ma), my goddaughter Kimberly and her family, enjoying Kiwi culture & hospitality.  We visited vineyards on Waiheke Island, dining at Stoneyridge - reasonable food & a really peaceful setting; just a pity that the service was lacking...  Whilst we didn't have a booking, we were given a table, but sadly it took 25 minutes before any member of staff approached us for our drinks order (they weren't going to take our food order at that point!).  Although it was busy, there were still staff floating around; perhaps Ma and I arriving by bus (sensibly so that we could drink, without driving) didn't fit in with their other clientele, who glided in from gas guzzling 4x4s and even a helicopter!!  Still, we enjoyed relaxing with some rather crisp riesling, despite one of the waitresses looking like we'd asked her to eat cow dung, when we enquired as to whether it would be too much trouble to have the bread which was supposed to accompany our platter.

I think next time we visit Waiheke, unless we bring the private jet, we'll be eating elsewhere next time.

Our evening was spent in a fabulous little beach bar, with a great Jazz band, quaffing a wonderful sav blanc from Malborough...  At this point, I have to thank "Mel", the singer of the jazz band, who kindly took Ma & I to the ferry port, after us missing the bus & almost the ferry back to the mainland!  The fact we actually ended up on the wrong ferry, is another story altogether!

The rest of the week was awesome, visiting some of my old haunts & doing a staggering amount of Christmas shopping in Auckland (thankfully I was just over my baggage allowance and Emirates were kind enough to waiver any fees!)  Finally we ended my stay with a visit to the Coromandel Penninsula & a "hot spot" of Darren's, where I had a very successful morning fishing.  The 4am start was well worth it as I reeled in a beautiful 10lb snapper (photos of proof to follow!)

So...back to Australia.  I returned on the Thursday, applied for a job on the Friday & was hired by Tuesday, at a fantastic grammar school about 90 or so minutes from Brisbane.  Ben & I managed to find a lovely house in the area & we're set up as a little family, with Angus & Marcel.  Angus (Gus...Guts) is growing rapidly, no longer a little fluffy ball, he's now a 15kg puppy, which at 4 and a half months, is pretty impressive... He's going to be a big boy!!!  Marcel is still a fluffy ball, although the summer heat means he has shed some of that fluffiness and is looking far more svelte these days...  sadly I can't quite say the same about myself... months living on the farm with restaurant food (German food in particular) has meant my waistline has slowly been expanding...  Yikes.

We've just got internet up and running at the new place, I'm waiting to sort out the wireless connection, so that I can chill in the hammock Ben bought me for my birthday, whilst enjoying the balmy evenings here in Toowoomba.  (Too-wum-ba : it means Spring - as in water, in Aborigine - ironic as we're on strict water restrictions here, due to the lack of water in the dams...)

I've just realised how much I've written and how dull this must look on screen, so I must make an effort to add photos soon...

Until next time - have a wonderful Christmas & a peaceful New Year!

warm wishes from sunny Australia xxxxx